Literature Library
Please take a few minutes to visit our research library located on the second level. Thanks to past book donations, we have an extensive collection of general aviation, military aviation, and automotive related materials. All visitors are welcome to see the collection. Were the Wright brothers really the first to fly? Henry Ford’s production cars ran on gasoline, which car, in 1909 ran on steam? A Flying Flea??? The answers can be found in the library’s mini-displays.
Library News
We are grateful for various generous donations over the last few years as they have enabled us to install heating and air conditioning. This not only helps preserve our valued collection but also adds to the comfort of our visitors.
More book donations have been coming in and our volunteers are working hard to get them on the shelves. Members can check out materials – non-members are welcome to do research in the library.
It’s easy to become a member – membership forms are available in the library and at the front desk. We also welcome you to check out our Membership page here on the website!