In honor of Miriam 'Mimi' Mulford

Mimi Mulford, who passed away October 11, 2021, was a great supporter of the Museum’s Curtiss JN-4D bi-plane project.   Her father, Colonel Samuel Price, learned to fly in a ‘Jenny’, and Mrs. Mulford loaned many of his artifacts to the museum for an exhibit on the airplane, which also tells the story of Colonel Price’s career.   She also donated an original Jenny data plate.   

Miriam “Mimi” L. Mulford Obituary – Visitation & Funeral Information (

Any donations made in honor of Mimi Mulford to the Museum will be designated toward the Jenny Airplane Project.  Use the online payment form below, or mail your donation with In Honor Of Mimi Mulford in the memo.  Make the check out to PGAEA and send to:

Poplar Grove Aviation Education Association – Jenny Project

5151 Orth Road, Ste A-1

Poplar Grove IL  61065